How to Implement a Digital PID Controller
You are a smart person, but when it comes to implementing proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control for a digital system, all you can do is sit there and scratch your head. How do you convert the famous continuous control scheme to a discrete scheme required by a digital system?
The solution to this problem is simpler than one might expect. Indeed, if you dust off your old notes from college, you might even be able to re-teach yourself. However, I’ve made it even easier for you.
I have developed basic Arduino code that implements a digital PID closed loop control system. Specifically, the Arduino Uno code tracks a light source by implementing this type of control scheme. I know that this specific implementation might not be valuable to you today. However, I can assure you that anyone interested in control and automation will find the underlying algorithm invaluable to understand throughout their career. What better way is there than to take a look at the basic code yourself, open source style? Well, it turns out you can.
You can download my code here:
The best part is that I’m not charging anything to download the code. You can download it for free! Don’t wait, because I’m not sure how long I will provide this code for download. Download it now to add another robust control algorithm to your knowledge vault.